What To Know About DUI Preliminary Hearings In Lackawanna County

After a DUI arrest and arraignment, depending on how you plead to your charges, you may undergo a preliminary DUI hearing. These hearings are often referred to as the “trial before the trial,” and the judge will decide whether there is sufficient evidence to suggest that you, the defendant, go to trial.

If you’ve been charged with a DUI and are facing an upcoming preliminary hearing, contact Thompson Law to secure the defense you need. DUIs can result in serious penalties, but when you work with attorney William D. Thompson, you can trust that you’ll be guided through each step of the legal process by a competent Scranton DUI lawyer.

Probable Cause And Preliminary Hearings

In order to fairly determine whether you should stand trial, the judge will use the legal standard of “probable cause,” which decides if there is sufficient evidence to convince a reasonable jury that the defendant actually committed the crime he or she is charged with. In DUI cases, probable cause can be established if the officer observes any of the following driving behaviors:

  • Driving on the centerline
  • Illegal turns
  • Drifting between lanes
  • Frequent braking

During the hearing, you can expect that prosecutors will attempt to bring forth evidence to suggest that you should go to trial. When you work with Mr. Thompson, you can trust that he will leave no stone unturned in fighting the evidence that is brought against you.

Secure The Trusted Representation You Need

Although most DUI cases do not reach the preliminary hearing stage, it’s imperative that you hire aggressive representation to ensure that you have a fierce litigator on your side during every step of the legal process. Scranton DUI attorney Thompson strives to build a client-attorney relationship that is founded on nonjudgmental communication, mutual trust and understanding.

To schedule a free initial consultation about your case, call the firm today at 570-846-2819 or submit an online contact form.